Sunday, July 30, 2023


I really like this one.  I'll probably sit down and arrange it in to an actual song.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Discovery 4 Release and Recharge - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

I tried doing this one when I got home from work tonight, but it didn't go well.  It's 100% my fault too.  I only got 2 hours of sleep last night and was up since 4:45am and got home from work at 7:30pm, so I am feeling pretty exhausted.  I'm at that point where I feel like I'm sleep walking my way through the day.  I stayed up late because I went to the movies with my son and we watched a late show of a new movie and we didn't get home until almost 2:00am.  The movie was really good, but I'm paying for it today.

The Gateway Tape for today wasn't too bad.  It wasn't 100% what I remembered it to be.  You basically get to Focus 10, and then you go into your box and pull out something that causes fear.  You then analyze what the fear is, what emotions it made you feel, and what in your life caused you to feel that way.  This process is done 3 times.  You also visualize putting these things in a bubble and sending them away from you.

I thought I remembered that after that process, you picked something that caused joy... but that's not the case.  I guess I didn't remember it correctly.

I had a hard time tonight because I was so tired I couldn't give the exercise my full attention.  I could think of a few fears, but not enough to really dive into them.  Then eventually my fear was fucking up the exercise.

My goal tomorrow is to revisit this exercise when I get home from work.  I don't want to rush this process of going through these tapes, so I'm not going to.  The first few this week were easier only because I've done them quite a few times already and have practice with them.  Almost everything from this point on, with the exception of the tape that deals with sleep, is new territory.  

Hopefully tomorrow will be more successful, and if it isn't I'll just do it again the next day.

...until next time.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Discovery 3 Advanced Focus 10 - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

Today was tape 3 in the series... or video 3 I guess.

I have done this exercise the most in the last few weeks.  I like this one because it incorporates a "faster" way to get to Focus 10, along with how to get back to Focus 1 faster as well.  You are also encouraged to practice going from Focus 10 to 1, and back-and-forth as often as you can.

I did this exercise twice today.  Like the other days I did it laying down and also sitting.  I do prefer to do it laying down, but I'm currently not getting enough sleep and I keep feeling like I'm about to fall asleep when I lay down.  Going to bed an hour early might be a good lifestyle change.

I didn't feel like I got as much out of this meditation today as I normally do, but I think that is mainly because of my current lack of sleep,  This is usually a tape that I get a lot out of and leaves me with a great feeling after I'm done.

I'm honestly not looking forward to tomorrows tape.  I've listened to it once while doing things around the house and not meditating.  If focuses on bring out some of our fears, but ends with bringing out things that bring us joy.  I'm not sure if I'm in a good headspace for it right now.

I'm keeping this one short today because I honestly just don't have the time to write much, and I'm in a little bit of an agitated mood.

So... with that I'm signing off.

...until next time.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Discovery 2 Intro to Focus 10 - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

Day 2 of trying to get through all of the meditation exercises with The Gateway Tapes.

Like always, it starts off with Robert Monroe giving a short intro and the sound of ocean waves crashing upon the shore.  After a few short minutes you are told to picture a box called an energy conversion box in your head, and you put anything that will distract you from completing the exercise into the box.  I found this to be an interesting part of the process because it causes me to really think about what is bothering me or occupying my mind in a good or bad way.  Once these items are in the box, you close the lid and walk away from the box because the items you put into the box are just a distraction and are not needed for the exercise.

After that you are instructed to do a resonated tunning exercise.  In this exercise you breath in and picture positive energy coming into your body.  When you exhale you imagine exhaling any already used up energy (I found it interesting that there is never a mention of negative energy) out of your body.  You are also instructed to match the pitch of the tones being played in the background by humming or singing.

Next up you recite a mantra while relaxing and breathing normally...

I am more than my physical body
because I am more than physical matter
and I can perceive that which is greater than the world.

Therefore, I deeply desire: to Expand, to Experience,
to Know, to Understand, to Control, to Use such greater energies
and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive
to me and those who follow me.

Also, I deeply desire to help and cooperation, the assistance,
the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom,
development and experience are equal to or greater than my own.

I ask for the guidance and protection from any influence
or any source that might provide me with less than stated desires.

After this we are guided to Focus 3, the focus stage of yesterdays exercise.

The next step is Focus 10.  Focus 10 puts you in a state where your body is in a sleep state, but you are totally awake.  On this tape you are walked through a way to totally relax your head.  After this you take the relaxed state from this process and focus this relaxed state to your entire body.

As you are taken out of Focus 10 and back to a normal state, I guess Focus 1, Robert Monroe suggests that after you return to your normal physical state that your body will be in a perfectly normal and perfectly balanced.  You will also be wide awake and alert when coming out of Focus 10.  All 5 physical senses will be operating clearly, cleanly, sharply, and beautifully. 

I did this tape laying down on my couch, but I was really tired from a lack of sleep and from having to be up early to teach a Jiu Jitsu class in the morning.  I felt like I didn't get the full benefit from the practice so I did it again a few minutes in a sitting position.  That seemed to work way better for me.

Tomorrow I will do the next tape, and it's the tape that I have done the most.  I'm very familiar with it and really looking forward to it.  I can usually go pretty deep into Focus 10 on the 3rd tape, so I'm looking forward into exploring my headspace a little.

until next time...

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Discovery 1 Orientation - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience (Enhanced version)

I've been doing daily meditation now for just over 80 consecutive days.  Some of the meditation has been at the Buddhist Temple I attend on Sunday mornings. Most of it has been at home, usually before and after work.  I try to meditate a couple times a day now, sometimes more if I have the day off.  It's something that I truly enjoy doing right row.

I've written in the last few entries about the Gateway Tapes.  I found the first 10 tapes posted online on YouTube and my plan was to write about my experience using the tapes.  My daily meditation has been a mix of The Gateway Tapes along with my regular silent and guided meditations outside of The Gateway Tapes.

I had just moved onto the next phase of the tapes, Focus 10 to 12.  I noticed on the YouTube channel I was getting the tapes from, there was no tape for only Focus 12.  I decided to search for the Focus 12 tape and I came across another channel that had 44 different Gateway Tapes.  This seemed a little overwhelming, but at the same time I reminded myself that meditation has become a daily routine, so if I do one tape a day I should be able to get through all the tapes in just over a month.

Today I decided to start back from the beginning and report from here.

The first tape is an intro.  You are introduced to the idea of syncing the left and right hemisphere of the brain (Hemi-Sync) with the use of 2 slightly different tones.  One tone only plays through the left speaker and the other tone plays through the right.  You wear headphones when you listen to the tapes and it's important to have the correct headphone on the correct ear.

The person on the tape, Robert Monroe, takes you through a guided meditation with a very hypnotic feel to it.  This intro tape starts with the process that all of the tapes I've listened to use.  There is a series of breathing techniques, visualization techniques, the repeating of a mantra, more breathing and visualization exercises...

It's a very interesting and fun trip.  Most of the tapes are around 35 mins long.  I recomend using over the ear headphones so that you can not be distracted by the outside world.  I've also done the tapes laying down and also sitting on a meditation bench.  For The Gateway Tapes I  prefer laying down.  I read that the ideal position is with your head facing North and you feet facing South because of the magnetism of the North Pole.  This idea sounded pretty strange and a little "out there," but what I'm doing is already a little "out there" so I entertain the idea of my head being North and my feet being South when I lie down.  Our couch in the family allows me do lay that way anyway, so it all works out.

Tomorrow I'll do the next tape and post my experience and a link to the YouTube channel with the video.

If anyone randomly finding this blog decides to go on this journey with me, please reach out to me.  I would really like to hear what you think about all of this stuff.

until next time...

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Meditation Gateway Focus 10

 After a lot of time focusing on The Gateway Tape, I feel comfortable with the Focus 10 meditation.  I'm finally moving onto Focus 12.  The video series I found on YouTube had a Tape that focused on going from Focus 10 to 12, but I couldn't find anything on just doing a Focus 12 meditation... until today.

I found a YouTube channel that had more of the Gateway Tapes published on it, and I'm excited to move onto the next step.  I'm currently on 75 days straight of daily meditation.  It's become something that I just do everyday now.  Most sessions are just over 35 mins, but there have been days where I can only get in 10 to 15 mins.

Tomorrow I'm going to listen to the Gateway tape that focuses on going from Focus 10 to 12, and then on Saturday I will hopefully dive into the Focus 12 Gateway Tape now that I've found it.

Sunday, July 2, 2023