Monday, June 5, 2023

The Gateway Experience CIA Tapes Part 2 (Introduction to focus 10)

The last few days I've been focusing on tape 2 of the Gateway tapes.  I've had an interesting time with it.  On Saturday night I noticed that while I was doing the meditation I thought that I fell asleep while I did it, but realized that I didn't.  I have the sequence pretty memorized now, and I don't recall missing anything while doing the meditation.

On Sunday I did the same tape again and was in a very deep meditative state.  I felt like time lost all meaning and there was some visual things happening in my head.  At one point I felt like I was in the kitchen with my wife, but I knew that I was in our bedroom.  During the part where you breath in and the hum while exhaling, I could totally see the soundwaves in my head that I was producing.  During the more intense parts of the exercise I felt like I was revisiting dreams, and at times almost remembering what I could only call "a dream within a dream."  It was fucking crazy.  Even while the crazy stuff was going through my head, I was still aware that I was just in my bedroom but only in a deep meditative state.

I can't even really explain in words some of the visual experiences I was having it.  It was like having a psychedelic experience, without taking psychedelics.

Tomorrow I plan on doing tape 1, 2, and 3 since I have the day off and time to kill.  I'm hoping that it will be an eye opening experience.  

Sunday, June 4, 2023


Just did a meditation... and it was fucking wild.  I will post about that soon.  For now, here's a Sunday with Ola SWOLA video.