Friday, October 6, 2023

Threshold 2 Problem Solving - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

I haven't made an entry on the Gateway Tapes in a little while.  While I have been keeping up with my daily meditation, my use of The Gateway Tapes has been minimal.  I have been meditating for anywhere between 10-30 mins a day using the Expand App, a meditation app put out by the Monroe Institute (the people responsible for The Gateway Tapes) and have made it a daily practice to reach Focus 10 or 12 during my daily practice.  I feel like using The Gateway Tapes at this current time is more enjoyable for me.  The Gateway Tapes are also tools to a practice that I am still learning and exploring.

Last night I did the Problem Solving tape.  I have done this one a few times and decided to start back up with this one.  In this tape once you reach Focus 12 you meditate on a "problem" that you are currently having.  All that you really do is state what the problem is, and you don't actually dive into solving it.  Instead you release the problem after bringing into total self-awareness.  The best answer will come to you when the time is right, and you need to be open to hearing it at that time.  You do this step of thinking of you problem, bringing it to light, and then releasing it several times.

I believe The Gateway Tapes use a lot of Hypnosis techniques.  At the end of the tape it's stated that whenever you have a problem that you can simply in a non meditative state think of the number 12, hold your breath while stating your problem in your head, and this should help the answer come to you faster after practicing this method and making it a regular practice.

Focus 12 is suppose to take you into a state of expanded awareness, and seems to be a good state to conduct problem solving.

After taking some time off from using the actual tapes, I must say that I felt pretty energized today after starting it back up.  I think some of the effect is a combo of the state that the Hemi-Sync tones put you in that are used in the practice, a slight out of body state that I get from doing the practice, and the power of suggestion that the tapes incorporate as well.

I'm glad I got back to using the tapes after taking a short unintended break from them.  I can't wait to to get to the next one.

Writing & Recording SWOLA 156

I decided to Live Stream my writing of SWOLA156 yesterday.  I though it might be fun to stream the writing process I go through when doing one of these.  I think the process was about 40 mins, and I was on a time crunch because I needed to pick up the kids from school.

This was also my 100th entry for the Sunday with Ola Riff Challenge.