Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Discovery 1 Orientation - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience (Enhanced version)

I've been doing daily meditation now for just over 80 consecutive days.  Some of the meditation has been at the Buddhist Temple I attend on Sunday mornings. Most of it has been at home, usually before and after work.  I try to meditate a couple times a day now, sometimes more if I have the day off.  It's something that I truly enjoy doing right row.

I've written in the last few entries about the Gateway Tapes.  I found the first 10 tapes posted online on YouTube and my plan was to write about my experience using the tapes.  My daily meditation has been a mix of The Gateway Tapes along with my regular silent and guided meditations outside of The Gateway Tapes.

I had just moved onto the next phase of the tapes, Focus 10 to 12.  I noticed on the YouTube channel I was getting the tapes from, there was no tape for only Focus 12.  I decided to search for the Focus 12 tape and I came across another channel that had 44 different Gateway Tapes.  This seemed a little overwhelming, but at the same time I reminded myself that meditation has become a daily routine, so if I do one tape a day I should be able to get through all the tapes in just over a month.

Today I decided to start back from the beginning and report from here.

The first tape is an intro.  You are introduced to the idea of syncing the left and right hemisphere of the brain (Hemi-Sync) with the use of 2 slightly different tones.  One tone only plays through the left speaker and the other tone plays through the right.  You wear headphones when you listen to the tapes and it's important to have the correct headphone on the correct ear.

The person on the tape, Robert Monroe, takes you through a guided meditation with a very hypnotic feel to it.  This intro tape starts with the process that all of the tapes I've listened to use.  There is a series of breathing techniques, visualization techniques, the repeating of a mantra, more breathing and visualization exercises...

It's a very interesting and fun trip.  Most of the tapes are around 35 mins long.  I recomend using over the ear headphones so that you can not be distracted by the outside world.  I've also done the tapes laying down and also sitting on a meditation bench.  For The Gateway Tapes I  prefer laying down.  I read that the ideal position is with your head facing North and you feet facing South because of the magnetism of the North Pole.  This idea sounded pretty strange and a little "out there," but what I'm doing is already a little "out there" so I entertain the idea of my head being North and my feet being South when I lie down.  Our couch in the family allows me do lay that way anyway, so it all works out.

Tomorrow I'll do the next tape and post my experience and a link to the YouTube channel with the video.

If anyone randomly finding this blog decides to go on this journey with me, please reach out to me.  I would really like to hear what you think about all of this stuff.

until next time...

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