Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Training Day #2 (11 days until my next 100)

Today I woke up and went for a 2 mile run around my neighborhood.  My legs are still tired, but they're moving.  I got home from my short run, then decided to do another 2 miles.

I had to work from 9:00am today until 8:30pm tonight.  It was a very long day, and most of my days until the Run-de-Vous 100 will be like this.  When I came home from work tonight my kids were waiting up for me.  We talked about how their day was and what they did.  After they went to bed my wife and I relaxed and watched a little t.v.

After my wife fell asleep I lifted weights for an hour while catching up on season 5 of Breaking Bad.  When the weights were done I pulled out the foam roller and worked on my legs for a little bit.

Now it's time for the most important part of my training and recovery... sleep.  It's time go get some sleep so that I can get to bed, and do it all over again tomorrow.

Until next time,


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