Saturday, October 21, 2017

RunEatRun 00000 Sandy's Country Junction

My usual Tuesday runs are with my running buddy Sunny.  A couple weeks ago we decided to get something to eat after our run, then we decided that maybe we should start getting lunch after our runs.  We both love running and eating, so it kind of made sense.

Then after a little bit of joking around we decided that we should just work our Tuesday morning runs around food.  We thought it might be fun to run to a restaurant, get something to eat, and them run back to where we started.

I told Sunny that we should document our adventures and find a different place to eat every week.  This video is our first run at this new weekly project that we are doing.  As we go, hopefully the quality of our videos will improve.

We already have this coming Tuesday's run planned, and we have a special guest joining us.  We are actually going to try to have a special guest every week if we can.  Hopefully this will be a fun weekly video series that we will do.

until next time...


...and eating.

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