Friday, April 12, 2013


About 2 months before I ran the American River I decided that I needed to start eating healthy again.  My diet is never really been "clean" when it comes down to it.

Around February I decided to clean up my diet.  I started eating vegetables and less meat.  I started eating meat only 3 meals a week.  Most of my coworkers were surprised to see me bring salads to work.  I typically eat a lot of meat... and by a lot of meat, I mean that I eat mostly meat.

Since I changed my diet to a mainly vegetarian diet I noticed that I generally feel really good.  When I eat meat it is usually fish.  I've started eating a lot of salads, nuts, fruit, and whatever non meat things I can get my hands on.

Well, after I ran the American River Run 50 miler last weekend I went off my pretty clean diet and I started eating a ton of junk food, fast food, and meat.  Right now I'm feeling slugish and I'm changing my diet as of right now.

Now, I'm not one of those "I can't eat junk food" types of people.  I'm a big believer in moderation.  I don't eliminate junk food, but I'll look at my calorie intake and ask myself if a candy bar is something I want to add to my diet on whatever particular day.  If it's a high mileage running day, I'm a little more liberal with my diet than non running and non workout days.

So, tomorrow morning I'll have my bowl of cereal for breakfast, some carrots and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and for dinner a baked potato and a salad.

I had a good run at AR50 last week (I will have the blog post with video of that run up by tomorrow morning) and when I run the Leona Divide 50 Miler on April 27th I want to have a good race.  So, healthy diet and exercise are high on my list of priorities once again.

Well... it's getting late, so I'm heading to bed now. 

Until next time,


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