Saturday, March 9, 2013

Race Judicata... My New PR!!

It's been my goal for quite sometime now to run a sub 18 min 5k. I haven't really tried for this goal in about 2 years. It's constantly been put on the back burner. I've decided that 2013 would be the year that I finally make an honest effort and go for sub 18.

 Last weekend was the fist local 5k of the year. I kept trying to get in speed work, but it was hard most of January to just get in a run. My total mileage for January 2013 was somewhere around 60 miles.

With the 5k coming up soon, I knew that there was one thing I needed to work on along with speed work... that one thing was getting my weight down. I was about 190 pounds and I prefer to be more in the 175-180 pound range, especially when I'm trying to run fast.

For 3 weeks before the race I cleaned up my diet. No soda, no fast food, the only meat I ate was fish, and I used portion control for every meal.

 On race day I was back down to 183 pounds. As much as I want to run sub 18, I knew today wasn't going to be that day. My 5k PR was 19:01 going into the race. My last three 5k races where I aimed for sub 18 all ended the same way. I'm on pace up to mile 2.5, then I just fall apart.

I decided today was going to be different. I was going to start this year with a confidence boost and just shoot for a PR.

The race started and I hit the first mile at my planned 6:15 pace. I had that pace dialed in and held it until the 2.5 mile marker. I was feeling really good and I was able to kick out the last .6 miles left.

I came up to the finish line and saw the clock in the distance... 18:45

I ran to the finish line as fast as I could. My goal for a PR was accomplished. I came in at 18:57 and placed 2nd in my age group.

Earlier that day my son ran the kids ¼ mile race and came in 3rd place for his age.

My son loves running and it's awesome to see him constantly improving and running faster.

There's another local 5k in May. My goal is to put in a lot of hard work and run the race finishing somewhere around 18:30, and then at the Susan Komen 5k this October I will shoot for a sub 18 finishing time.

Until next time...


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