Tomorrow is the day... another 100 mile run. I still wonder from time to time why I do these things. What is it that makes me keep signing up for these races.
Tonight is the same as every per race evening. I'm nervous, anxious, need to sleep but can't, and I can't wait to get started!!!
I had to work most of today. The best part of the today was my evening. I came home, got my kids ready for bed, and spent some time with them before they went to sleep. They wanted to stay up a little late, so I let them so we could spend a few extra minutes together before I leave at 2:00a.m.
Sometimes before a race I feel the most emotionally vulnerable. I worry about what might go through my head during the race, if I'll finish the race, if I will I mentally or physically breakdown? I remember telling one of my friends, "I don't know if I'm running away from my demons when I'm out there...or if I'm running head first right at them."
For me a 100 mile race has always been more mentally taxing than physically. It's a huge head game... and sometimes I'm prepared to play, and sometimes I feel like like I'm holding on for life.
When you run a 100 mile race you go through a lifetime of emotions... All the good stuff in your life comes out, and at times the bad stuff feels like you can't shake.
My goal for this weekend is to run the best I can, to take the good with the bad, and come home with a new belt buckle.
Until next time...
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Rest and Recovery (2 days until my next 100)

Today and tomorrow are suppose to be nice and relaxing days. Hopefully this will lead up to a good recovery.
So, here are some of the things I've been doing to help with my recovery.
#1 Chia Seed: I take this everyday, once in the morning and once at night. One tablespoon mixed in an 8 ounce glass of water.
#2 Acai Juice: I drink an 8-12 ounce glass of this everyday. I started drinking it years ago when I was doing a lot of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournaments. It was sold all the time at the tournaments. It's pretty good for you, but I honestly started drinking it because I really like the taste.
#3 Epsom Salt Baths: Once a day I take a a hot Epsom Salt bath. It's nice and relaxing and feels good after a hard workout.
#4 Sleep: The week before a race and the week after I try to get a good amount of sleep. I love feeling well rested and fresh the day of a race!!!
These are things I do that work for me. I buy the chia seed, acai juice, and epsom salt at Costco.
Now it's time to do #4 and get some sleep.
Until next time...
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
No More Running... Until Saturday (3 days until my next 100)
Today I was able to sneak in 4 miles before work, then about 2.1 miles to the gym and another 2.1 miles back home from the gym.
Now I get to take it easy until my 100 mile run. I get to recover and rest. The only physical activity I'll do over the next few days will be push-ups tomorrow, and then my run on Saturday.
I have been stressing a little because my left hip has been bugging me a little, but usually after 2 miles it gets warmed up and I doesn't bug me. Hopefully taking the next couple days off will help it heal a little.
The next few days are all about taking it easy and getting plenty of sleep.
Until next time...
Now I get to take it easy until my 100 mile run. I get to recover and rest. The only physical activity I'll do over the next few days will be push-ups tomorrow, and then my run on Saturday.
I have been stressing a little because my left hip has been bugging me a little, but usually after 2 miles it gets warmed up and I doesn't bug me. Hopefully taking the next couple days off will help it heal a little.
The next few days are all about taking it easy and getting plenty of sleep.
Until next time...
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
running and push-ups... and a plank (4 days until my next 100)
Today was a semi productive running day. I was able to get up a little early and do a 6 mile run. Then I helped my wife and kids get ready for their overnight camping trip. I wasn't able to go with them because of work. After my wife and my kids left for the mountains I headed over to the park and got in 8 more miles before I had to head over to my job. I was hoping to get off from work early and sneak in 6 more miles, but that didn't happen.
I was feeling pretty exhausted after working all day so I skipped my evening run and went straight to my push-up workout.
56 push-ups
4 minute rest
28 push-ups
4 minute rest
24 push-ups
4 minute rest
22 push-ups
4 minute rest
18 push-ups
...then I did a 5 minute plank.
Now I'm excessively exhausted and ready to fall asleep.
Until next time...
I was feeling pretty exhausted after working all day so I skipped my evening run and went straight to my push-up workout.
56 push-ups
4 minute rest
28 push-ups
4 minute rest
24 push-ups
4 minute rest
22 push-ups
4 minute rest
18 push-ups
...then I did a 5 minute plank.
Now I'm excessively exhausted and ready to fall asleep.
Until next time...
Monday, August 12, 2013
I Missed My Run (5 days until my nest 100)
Today I planned on getting in a good 18 mile run, but not all things go according to plan. Today's run just didn't fit into my schedule. I was able to get in my weight workout along with my 5 min plank. Now I'm going to have to make sure I get up early and get some miles in tomorrow. I have a small window of time left to train and to recover before my next 100.
If all goes well, I should be able to get in a decent run tomorrow and then a final run on Wednesday.
That's it for today...
Until next time...
If all goes well, I should be able to get in a decent run tomorrow and then a final run on Wednesday.
That's it for today...
Until next time...
Cool Moon 100 (2013)
Cool Moon 100 Video
On August 3rd-4th I ran the Cool Moon 100 mile ultra marathon in Cool, CA. My niece Samantha ran the half marathon and my friend Rudy was also running the 100 mile event with me. This was Samantha's very first trail race and her second half marathon.
The course consisted of one 14 mile loop and one 11 mile loop. We did each loop 4 times. We started with the 14 mile loop, and this was also the loop that the half marathon runners did as well. This was nice because it allowed me to run with Samantha for the first 14 miles of the event. Since this was Samantha's first trail race I wanted to stick with her as much as I could.
Sam and I made it through the first 14 miles in 3 hours 2 minutes and 48 seconds.
After I congratulated Samantha on her achievement I filled up my water bottles and headed off for another 86 miles.
The 11 mile loop had a lot less elevation gain than the 14 mile loop. My plan was to run the 11 loop as fast as I could since I knew the 14 mile loop would consistently slow me down because of it's high climbs and elevation gains.

After I cleaned myself up I headed back on my run, this time with my headphones in my backpack.
The next few miles were a little tougher than I planned. The thing that was making the run hard was the fact that I hadn't seen anyone for hours. After mile 14, I didn't see another runner until I finally caught up to my friend Rudy at mile 50.
Rudy wasn't feeling very good and was waiting for me to catch up to him. Once I saw him at mile 50 we took a rest and got some dinner. My parents had a small pizza waiting for me. The pizza tasted amazing!!!
After our rest, Rudy and I headed back out on the trail. At mile 60 we ran into our friend Ed at one of the aid stations. We got some water and food and talked to Ed. We all decided to run together to the next aid station at mile 64. Once we got to the aid station at mile 64 we stocked up on water and supplies. Rudy wasn't feeling good for most of the run and he decided he should drop out.
Ed and I decided that we should run together and keep each other company during the night. As we headed out for our last 36 miles Ed told me that he and I were currently tied for 2nd place. I really couldn't believe it, so many people dropped out of the race that we were propelled to 2nd place.
Ed and I ran through the night telling stories and keeping each other company. Sometimes I really enjoy running solo, but sometimes it's nice to have a running buddy. I was really happy to have Ed on the trail running these last many miles with me.
As we headed out for our final 11 miles I was feeling very happy. This long run was almost over and I was getting tired and ready to head home. As Ed and I were finishing the last few miles we were discussing how we would determine who received 2nd place. I had the grand idea that we would stop 100 yard from the finish line, then we would finish with a balls out sprint to the end... but in the end we decided to just run it in side by side.
We crossed the finish line together and shared 2nd place. I was happy that we were able to finish together. Ed and I both pushed each other through the last miles of the race.
During the race I told Ed, "There's no way I'm ever doing this race again!!! I can't wait for it to be over!!" This course was hard. While I was running this race I couldn't wait for the experience to be over. This is one event I'll never forget. I honestly have no doubt that I earned my finishers buckle on this course. Out of the 25 runners that started the 100 mile event, only 4 of us were able to finish.

So... the question now is this... Will I return to the Cool Moon 100 next year? I realize that during the event I said that there was no way I'd put myself through that course again, but after getting home and thinking about it... I'm totally going back again for more next year.
Until next time...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Checking My Pace (6 days until my next 100)
On Sept 14-15 I'm running the Headlands 100 for the 4th year in a row. The weekend after that I'm pacing the 2 hour group at a local half marathon. Today I based my training off of that. Since I ran a 100 mile race last weekend I decided today's run needed to be a 2 hour half marathon. I headed out my door and ran out to for 6.55 miles and then turned around and headed home. I ran my 13.1 mile run in 1:58:28
My workout today consisted of my workout from my push-up app...
54 push-ups
3 min rest
28 push-ups
4 min rest
24 push-ups
4 min rest
22 push-ups
4 rest
18 push-ups
4 sets of 25 single leg squats
That's it for today...
until next time...
My workout today consisted of my workout from my push-up app...
54 push-ups
3 min rest
28 push-ups
4 min rest
24 push-ups
4 min rest
22 push-ups
4 rest
18 push-ups
4 sets of 25 single leg squats
That's it for today...
until next time...
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Getting In Some Mileage (7 days until my next 100)
I finally felt up to getting in some higher mileage on my runs today. My last few runs since the Cool Moon 100 have only been around 2 miles. Today my legs were feeling a lot better. When I woke up I got in 6 miles, lifted some weights, and went to work. Then when I got off from work I was able to do another 8 miles and then I held a plank for 5 minutes straight. Five minutes was was really hard to do.
...that's about it for today. I'm keeping this short so I can get to bed early and meet the running club tomorrow morning at the park. It's always nice to get in a few runs with people. Most of my training runs are solo runs, so running with people is always a treat.
Until next time...
...that's about it for today. I'm keeping this short so I can get to bed early and meet the running club tomorrow morning at the park. It's always nice to get in a few runs with people. Most of my training runs are solo runs, so running with people is always a treat.
Until next time...
Friday, August 9, 2013
Caffeine Free (8 days until my next 100)
So... 8 days until my next 100 mile race. This is my usual time frame before a race where I cut out all caffeine from my diet. I read somewhere that caffeine take about 5-7 days to get out of your system. There have been studies that have said caffeine can enhance sports performance. One thing that I do now before every 50 or 100 mile race is cut out caffeine out of my diet for at least 8 days before the event. This way, when I consume caffeine on race day it's more effective. Cutting out caffeine the week before an event also helps me get plenty of sleep the week before because with a lack of caffeine I fall asleep very easy.
Other than cutting out caffeine, today has been pretty normal. I got in my workout early in the afternoon. Today's workout was a lot of push-ups, leg lifts, and single leg squats. I also started doing a plank everyday. Today I was able to hold a plank for 4 minutes.
I haven't gotten a chance to run in the last 3 days, but I think that's good because I'm feeling more and more recovered from last weekends Cool Moon 100. I'm sure taking it easy and letting my body rest is a good thing.

Until next time...
Thursday, August 8, 2013
More Work Time... Less Workout Time (9 days until my next 100)
Today was a busy work day and not a very busy workout day. Unfortunately tomorrow will be the same way. This coming weekend will be a lot slower. I work 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday and I'm off from work on Sunday. This should leave plenty of time to workout.
Today I was able to lift weights for a little bit after work and I use my foam roller to help loosen up my legs. I also decided to start back up with my "blank a day" workout. Today I was able to hold a plank for 3 minutes straight. My goal is to eventually get up to 5 minutes. Tomorrow night my goal is 3 minutes and 30 or 45 seconds.
My left leg is still feeling a little sore. I think part of that soreness is due to the single leg squats i did yesterday more than it is from last weekends 100 mile run.
I'm feeling more and more recovered from the Cool Moon 100 everyday. I can't wait for Saturday to get here since that's the next time I'll be able to get a run in.
Now it's time for bed, so I'm going to wrap this up right now.
Until next time...
Balance (10 days until my next 100)
When I woke up today I didn't feel as sore as I did the other day. My recovery seems to be heading in the right direction. My legs feel about 70% recovered. As much as I wanted to run a little today, I didn't run at all. I decided a day off to recover was needed.
Instead of running before I had to go to work I did today's workout on my push-up app instead. The workout for today was...
50 push-ups
4 min rest
26 push-ups
4 min rest
26 push-ups
4 min rest
22 push-ups
2 min rest
18 push-ups
After a 12 hour work day I got home and ate some dinner.
Tonight's workout was something I haven't done in a few months, but to me is key for proper muscle balance. After doing 20 lunges to warm-up, I did four sets of single leg squats, and each set consisted of 25 reps. After that I did 3 sets of 25 side leg raises. Then I made sure to spend a few mins doing a little maintenance with the good old foam roller. I can honestly say that my legs are feeling pretty good and tired right now.
Now it's time for a good night sleep, and hopefully a short workout before I go to work Thursday morning.
Until next time...
Instead of running before I had to go to work I did today's workout on my push-up app instead. The workout for today was...
50 push-ups
4 min rest
26 push-ups
4 min rest
26 push-ups
4 min rest
22 push-ups
2 min rest
18 push-ups
After a 12 hour work day I got home and ate some dinner.
Tonight's workout was something I haven't done in a few months, but to me is key for proper muscle balance. After doing 20 lunges to warm-up, I did four sets of single leg squats, and each set consisted of 25 reps. After that I did 3 sets of 25 side leg raises. Then I made sure to spend a few mins doing a little maintenance with the good old foam roller. I can honestly say that my legs are feeling pretty good and tired right now.
Now it's time for a good night sleep, and hopefully a short workout before I go to work Thursday morning.
Until next time...
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Training Day #2 (11 days until my next 100)
Today I woke up and went for a 2 mile run around my neighborhood. My legs are still tired, but they're moving. I got home from my short run, then decided to do another 2 miles.
I had to work from 9:00am today until 8:30pm tonight. It was a very long day, and most of my days until the Run-de-Vous 100 will be like this. When I came home from work tonight my kids were waiting up for me. We talked about how their day was and what they did. After they went to bed my wife and I relaxed and watched a little t.v.
After my wife fell asleep I lifted weights for an hour while catching up on season 5 of Breaking Bad. When the weights were done I pulled out the foam roller and worked on my legs for a little bit.
Now it's time for the most important part of my training and recovery... sleep. It's time go get some sleep so that I can get to bed, and do it all over again tomorrow.
Until next time,
I had to work from 9:00am today until 8:30pm tonight. It was a very long day, and most of my days until the Run-de-Vous 100 will be like this. When I came home from work tonight my kids were waiting up for me. We talked about how their day was and what they did. After they went to bed my wife and I relaxed and watched a little t.v.
After my wife fell asleep I lifted weights for an hour while catching up on season 5 of Breaking Bad. When the weights were done I pulled out the foam roller and worked on my legs for a little bit.
Now it's time for the most important part of my training and recovery... sleep. It's time go get some sleep so that I can get to bed, and do it all over again tomorrow.
Until next time,
Recovery & Training (12 Days until my Next 100)
On August 3rd and 4th I ran the Cool Moon 100 miler. This coming August 17th and 18th I'm running the Run-De-Vous 100 miler. After finishing the Cool Moon 100 my body is obviously a little beat up. My goal for Run-De-Vous is to run a sub 23 hour finishing time. For the few short days between races I need to train, but still be smart enough to let my body recover. I've never ran two 100 mile races so close together before, and the Cool Moon 100 was no joke!!! I should have my blog entry about that race done before this week is over.
Today I woke up a little sore. I forced myself to run 2 miles. My ankles were sore for the first half mile, and after that they first half mile they started to loosen up. Before I knew it I was running at a semi normal slow pace, but I felt like I was running and not hobbling around my neighborhood.
After my run I did the workout I was scheduled to do on my phones pushup app.
50 pushups
4 mins rest
28 pushups
4 min rest
24 pushups
4 mins rest
20 pushups
2 min rest
18 pushups
Over the next few days I will be pushing my training, but also listening to my body. I need to make sure I'm getting enough rest, but at the same time I need to keep safely pushing myself so I'll still have a chance on hitting my finishing time goal of sub 23 hours in 12 days.
So... as I just stated, rest is important. This means I should end this blog update now and get some sleep. I need to get up early to get a few more miles in.
Until next time...
Today I woke up a little sore. I forced myself to run 2 miles. My ankles were sore for the first half mile, and after that they first half mile they started to loosen up. Before I knew it I was running at a semi normal slow pace, but I felt like I was running and not hobbling around my neighborhood.
After my run I did the workout I was scheduled to do on my phones pushup app.
50 pushups
4 mins rest
28 pushups
4 min rest
24 pushups
4 mins rest
20 pushups
2 min rest
18 pushups
Over the next few days I will be pushing my training, but also listening to my body. I need to make sure I'm getting enough rest, but at the same time I need to keep safely pushing myself so I'll still have a chance on hitting my finishing time goal of sub 23 hours in 12 days.
So... as I just stated, rest is important. This means I should end this blog update now and get some sleep. I need to get up early to get a few more miles in.
Until next time...
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