Thursday, August 8, 2013

More Work Time... Less Workout Time (9 days until my next 100)

Today was a busy work day and not a very busy workout day.  Unfortunately tomorrow will be the same way.  This coming weekend will be a lot slower.  I work 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday and I'm off from work on Sunday.  This should leave plenty of time to workout.

Today I was able to lift weights for a little bit after work and I use my foam roller to help loosen up my legs.  I also decided to start back up with my "blank a day" workout.  Today I was able to hold a plank for 3 minutes straight.  My goal is to eventually get up to 5 minutes.  Tomorrow night my goal is 3 minutes and 30 or 45 seconds.

My left leg is still feeling a little sore.  I think part of that soreness is due to the single leg squats i did yesterday more than it is from last weekends 100 mile run.

I'm feeling more and more recovered from the Cool Moon 100 everyday.  I can't wait for Saturday to get here since that's the next time I'll be able to get a run in.

Now it's time for bed, so I'm going to wrap this up right now.

Until next time...


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