This weekend I am getting married to an amazing woman. She has become my best friend, my training partner, my anchor, my sail... and on now she will become my wife.

Alisha came into my life very unexpectedly. I remember talking to her and asking her what race she was training for. She said that she had a half marathon coming up, and then asked me if I had anything coming up. I told her, "Yeah, I have a race coming up in Marin that I do every year." She asked how long it was, and I told her it was a trail race that I really loved doing, and I avoided telling her the distance.
A few days after I ran the race I saw Alisha again during my shift at Fleet Feet. I made it a point to say hello to her, because I wanted her to hopefully notice me, and she did. She said "So... just some trail race you do every year in Marin??!?!?"
At this point I realized that she saw the post on Strava that I uploaded from the race. I wasn't sure what to say... "yeah, just some race I do every year."
A couple weeks later I asked her out to a movie. I figured that she would just turn me down or be busy... and she was too busy. She was running a half marathon, but asked if we could reschedule for the next weekend.
We went out to dinner and a movie. We talked for hours that first night. She asked my why I told her that it was just a trail race that I did every year instead of telling her it was a 100 miler. I looked down, laughed and said, "because I didn't want to be that guy..." and before I could finish she said, "but you are that guy."
We started running together every weekend on the trails. Talking a lot and building a relationship. There was definitely something there clicking between us, but we both seemed to want to take things slowly. Alisha has a daughter that is with her 100% of the time, and I have my 2 kids as well. Both of us didn't want to rush into anything too soon.
As the weeks went on we would text each other everyday, then eventually call each other everyday. We were becoming a couple, but we weren't a couple. We were getting close, but staying distant. Eventually we were just hanging out, running, cross training, and doing everything together. We stopped asking each other if the other person wanted to hangout on the weekend, we just were always hanging out with each other.
After several weeks of getting to know each other, training together, having long intimate talks with each other about what we want out of life, and taking about life... we slowly became an official couple.
Alisha came into my life when I least expected it. Now we're getting married. She's such an amazing woman. I'm lucky to have her in my life, gain another daughter, and have someone who loves both my kids as well.
We will be married in about 12 hours after I publish this blog post. I can't wait to see how beautiful Alisha will look in her wedding dress. I can't wait to have her become my wife and I her husband. I can't wait to go on our first run together as a married couple and have our kids become a family.
until next time...