As much as I enjoy this alone time, I do also enjoy a good hard workout with my friends.
On Friday I ran for my 3rd time this week along the San Joaquin River Trail. On Monday and Wednesday I ran by myself and was able to get in some good self-reflection. On Friday I hit the trail again with a local runner that I've ran a few events with, but never have really ran with. Farin and I got in a nice 14 mile run with each other. We talked a lot on the trail. We talked about how we started running, why we run, events we've done, and just life in general. As much as I enjoyed my 2 solo runs earlier in the week, it was really nice to push through some miles on the trail with a new friend.
Today I made plans to run with my friend Andrea. I like running with Andrea because she's fast, very humble, and really funny. I always have a blast running with her. Our plan today was to run 12 miles on the road so that Andrea could get in some training for her upcoming marathon that she's running in a couple weeks.

About 9 miles into our run we parted ways with Becky, and then Andrea and I headed back to the park where we had our cars parked. We talked about life, I shared some of what I had been going through over the last few months, how I'm moving forward, and how I'm coping with things.
My training partners have gotten me through a lot the last few months. I'm very lucky to have the people I do to train with. These people push me beyond what I think is my physical and mental limit... and more importantly, they listen when I need to talk.
My training partners are like my 2nd family. Some of these training partners have been in the family for a long time, and some are new members. It's funny how people can come into your life when you really need them... at that exact moment when you need them.
Until next time...
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