Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Leona Divide 50 Miler 04-27-2013

 Leona Divide 50 Miler 2013 Video

On April 27th I ventured out with a few friends and took on the Leona Divide 50 mile ultra marathon.
It's pretty typical for me to drive up to these races the morning of the event and run on a total lack of sleep. I'll usually get up at 2:00am, then drive for about 3 hours, run a 50k or 50 mile race, then drive home.
This race was different. My aunt lives 30 mins away from where the event was being held. As soon as I got off from work on Friday my parents and I drove 3 hours so we could get a good night sleep at my aunts house.
On Saturday morning I got up an hour before the race, drove over to the start line, and was well rested and ready to go.
I was running this race with my friends Kyle and Nathaniel.
This was the first race since Kyle and I did together sense the San Diego 100 last year.
Kyle and I ran most of the beginning of the race together. Up until mile 24ish we were either right by each other, or within a quarter mile from each other.
The day became really warm really fast. Before I knew it the temperature would reach a high of 92 degrees.
Around mile 22 I filled up the bladder of my hydration pack with ice and water. The one huge mistake I made was filling up my pack with a lot of ice. Apparently I didn't leave much room for water. At mile 24 I ran out of water and was running with a pack of ice. This wasn't good since it was hot and the next aid station was still 5 more miles away.
At this point I eased off on my pace and let Kyle get ahead of me.
The last 2.75ish miles before I got to the mile 29 aid station were all downhill and exposed with little to no shade.
When I arrived at the aid station I was thirsty as hell. I saw Kyle and he told me he was heading back up the hill I had just ran down, and that he wasn't feeling very good.
I loaded my hydration pack with water and no ice. I hung out for a little bit at the aid station drinking water and eating. Then I headed back up the hill to catch up to Kyle.
One mile up the hill my stomach started to not feel very good. I eventually ended up throwing up along the side of the trail. All the food I loaded up on was now on the trail... but I felt way better now.
I got to the top of the hill and then ran a really solid 4-5 miles back to the aid station.
When I ran into the next aid station I was feeling good. Then I saw Kyle. He told me he was having a really hard time and asked me if I would run in the rest of the race with him.
I could tell he was hurting, dehydrated, and just not wanting to be on the trail anymore.
So... from about mile 35 all the way to the finish line I pushed my friend at a safe pace along the trail. The trail was hot and dry, and people were feeling it. Even at our slower than normal pace we were passing people.
Kyle and I pushed up the hills, we ran most of the downhill sections, and tried to cool off in what little shade we could find.
After a long day of running and walking we eventually crossed the finish line at 11 hours and 45 mins.

I still consider myself very new to the sport of ultra running. I learn something new every time I hit the trail.
There were many times during this run that my normal thoughts of "why are you doing this" and "maybe this should be the last ultra I ever do" came into my mind.
It's funny how horrible a race can be while I'm running it, then on the drive home I'm sad it's over.
I already plan on running this race again next year and shooting for a sub 10 hour finish. I know what mistakes I made along the run, and most importantly I know what I need to do to correct those mistakes.

Until next time...

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