Sunday, March 24, 2013

13 day left

I forgot to charge my Garmin last night.  I really wanted to go on a 4 hour training run today, but those plans are now getting changed.

Now my Garmin is sitting on the charger and I'm going to jump rope for an hour. After that my Garmin should be charged enough to get me through a 13.1 mile training run.

I'm really annoyed with myself right now.  This is my last chance for a long run before AR50 and I totally blew it.

I really want to run a strong race this year since it's more than likely my last year running it.  Right now I'm honestly feeling like my training just isn't there to run a good race.

There's not much I more I can do with the race only being 13 days away.  All I can really do is maintain the fitness level I'm currently at (and not 100% happy with) and try to keep a clean diet.

Oh well, I guess I just need to roll with the punches.

Until next time...

Keep Running!!!!


  1. While I write this comment you very well may be at the race, so I say "good luck!"

    With luck missing the last long run may just lead to better recovery. Here's hoping!

  2. I'm happy to say I ran a pr at the AR50 this year. I should have my blog about the race along with the video up by the end of today.
