Last night I got together with 3 of my friends/students and we did a 4 hour straight sparring session. Back in December a bunch of us got together on a Saturday night, and we rolled for a full hour straight with the same person. We had a really fun time and decided to make it a monthly practice. Then the decision was made to start making the sessions longer. I brought up that I thought it would be fun to try a 24 hour straight sparring session. With my ultrarunning background, this idea didn't seem too crazy, and some of the guys seemed interested in the idea.
We decided to get together the 2nd Saturday of every month, and to gradually extend the length of the sessions.
Our goal will be to do a 24 hour session this December as a fundraiser for The We Defy Foundation, a group that I have done a couple fundraising efforts for in the past. The support military vets by supplying them with a gi, and with an affiliated jiu jitsu to train. They people who run the foundation are amazing and do wonderful work.
Hopefully everything will work out, and this coming December we will host a successful fundraiser.